Saturday, January 29, 2011

Punk-the rhythm of hard minds

    What is punk music is all about?Punk music is divided into various sub-genres but I would like to pick hardcore punk as the main topic for this post. Hardcore punk is a blend of the mainstream-ly famous punk rock with a touch of hardcore music. The vocalist of this kind of music usually don't care about how they pronouns the lyrics, their focus are mainly on the meaning of the word. Hardcore punk song regularly bring a very straightforward message, and mainly the message brings hatred,rebellion and various ideology. For instance, punk band Anti Flag in their hit singles titled "Kill The Rich" is full of anti-capitalism and U.K punk band The Exploited's "Anarchy in the U.K" is full of...yes you get the idea. 

     Listening to this type of music would likely awaken the spirit to rebel and make you wanna bang your head even though you don't even understand what the singer is screaming about. Of course, with a rebellion rhythm like this, we will witnessed a drastic increase in youth problems as they would get easily influenced by the lyrics. Hardcore punk itself divided into two parts that is the Hardcore Punx and Nazi Punk which will led to fight for both sub-genres ideology is totally different. For instant, Dead Kennedys, a hardcore punx shows their hate towards Nazi punk in the song "Nazi Punk F**k Off". It will automatically trigger hatred between the followers of these two sub-genres and led to a bloody fight.

     Other than that, hardcore punk are totally against free sex,drugs and alcohol. Hardcore punk followers usually practices an addition ideology called the Straight Edge. This anti-free sex-o-drugs-o-alcohol ideology was established in the late 80's by the hardcore punk band Minor Threat with no intention to publicized it. Their song titled "Straight Edge" is mainly about against free sex,anti-racism and anti-drugs. Inspired by their song, youth at that time practices whatever the band sings in their song. Also, this kind of music make us think a little bit more critical about what happened around us. For example, Anti-Flag's "F**k Police Brutality" condemned the police but some of it are right. This genres are simply good for critical literacy.

      Even though I fell in love with hardcore punk, I am well aware that this kind of hard music is made up from both negative and positive effect. Let's rocking with some HARDCORE PUNK!

      Even I am exposed to foreign melody, my Penang blood still running vigorously inside me, so the rhythm of Boria is still a part of me. 10 boys dress in the same outfit, singing with repetition, and singing in Penang accent..tell me,what is better than that?


Thursday, January 13, 2011

straight edge society!

        Holla bitchazz!!!
        Straight edge,what did you know bout it? maybe some of you still pondering what the fuck is straight edge? or wat the hell is kay screamin straight edge? straight edge or sXe is more to an ideology or subculture from hardcore punk which come from the mainstream-ly success punk rock. its started by a punk hardcore band Minor Threat, which un-intentionally make the sXe as famous as today. True, sXe is an underground scene that not used to come out from the mouth of many people. To recognize the people who support this ideology, they got X marked at the back of their hand. to recognize the straight edge band, they usually (not all) got x worked as a bracket on their band name for example xThis Band Killsx.

          Like i said, sXe is an ideology,so what the fuck is the ideology? its simple, its about take control of yourself. dont be a puppet. to what? to drugs,to alchohol, to cigs and to free sex. Like the band Minor Threat sing on their famous song titled Straight Edge, "laugh at the thoughts of sniffing glue,i've got the straight edge"
see how this ideology is no harsh to the teenagers? alright,if the parents ask their child do not smoke, will the normal-rebellious kid obey it?fuck,they will not god damn it! but if their favourite band practises this ideology like no drugs n stuff will they follow it?hell yeah bitchazzzzz!

          well,this is just a gist about sXe. i got alot more but maybe in the next post. It's just a friendly reminder to Malaysian, punk haters, discipline teacher, typical Malaysian, dont hate what you dont know!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the beginning of the new ideology

         What the fuck is punk actually? frequently categorized as not more than a douchebag, scum, all time prick. Fuck! punk is an ideology or a culture that have been sworn by many but understood by few. after a long 19 years of ponder, I finally approved that punk ideology would make world a better place. why? alright here are two of their ideology

          -anarchism (anti-authoritarianism)
how both of the ideology would make world a better place? right, every nation need leader,authorities to lead the country, but punk ideology opposed those who suppress the lower class in the nation hierarchy. the idea is to create equality among mankind. we do need leader, just a leader that treat human equally, leader that didn't suppress the poor, the disabled.

and for the anti racism, we all know that racist would breed hatred and hatred lead to war. so if we can understand this ideology,if we can kick out racism out of this world, ain't it bring a greater good?

but here in Malaysia, punk is globally despised. misunderstood by so many people including some of the posers calling themselves punk. Now they are the true PHUNK! the didn't understand the ideology, they don't understand why are we punk put on spiky hair, they don't know why we rock on studded jacket.

Punk is not only studded jacket, not only spiky hair, not only loud music, not only harsh word, not only patches all over our jacket, punk is an ideology that is understood by few for eternity.

straight edge society.blogspot....where anarchy applies!