Wednesday, March 30, 2011

guilty things that pleasure me [^_^]

guilty things that pleasure me? i need to reveal my dark side? well i guess i should. I will tell you the things that bring catastrophic event to others while give me all the pleasure in the world. the first guilty thing that pleasure me is..


it's all because i feed on human's hate! hahha.. the more hatred the more confident i get. hahaha i feel accomplished watchin the annoyed face of others. Sound devilish?naah, its just a medium of communication and its my way to mingle with others. (yeah i did it in a wrong way). If the victim is the one who doesnt know how to fight back, I'll make sure they will regret knowing somebody like me. Guilt? never heard of em..hahha


Pump up the volume, kick on the distortion, strap in my stratocaster axe, get ready to be served with deafening sound. ohh did i mentioned? if you think the heavy metal song just so loud, go to hell! i dont care if you're my neighbour knocking my door 4 am in the morning just to ask me to turn down the volume, i dont care if you're a police try to arrest me because im causing sound pollution, and i dont care if you think im selfish. If you think my guitar sound "offended" you, just shut up, cuz it pleasures me.


As a leader, your every move is under surveilence. i take the risk to tell everybody my last and biggest guilty thing that pleasure me. Left winged leader, in my case is, I wanted to fight for my own kind. It will offended the "higher" personnel but It really pleasures me when I fight for the student and against the you-know-what. SIEG HEIL!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

THE BLIND SIDE *sometimes the blind side is your good fortune*

Directed by: John Lee Hancock
Writer: John Lee Hancock and Michael Lewis Less
Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures
Genre: Drama,sports & fitness,Comedy (PG-13) 

 Starring by :
Sandra Bullock (Leigh Anne Touhy)
Quinton Aaron (Michael Oher)
Tim McGraw (Sean Touhy)
 Lily Collins (Collins Touhy)
Jae Head (S.J Touhy)
Ray Mckinnon (Coaches Cotton

" Don't you worried? I mean he's a boy, a large black boy sleeping under the same roof"


White pride, wealth,and bloodline was forgotten by Leigh Anne. A noble Christian live in racist vicinity tend to forget about the ethnicity and introduce a black wasted man as her family which at last not only turning him around, but also the Touhys life. Big Mike was treated respectfully with full of humanity, the values that hard to find in the soul of nowadays people. This movie shows how a kind hearted woman can adopt a total stranger regardless the differences between race and ethnicity.

This emotional film titled "The Blind Side" is based on a true story of an African American rouge, Michael "Big Mike" Oher who grew up in a broken family. He don't know who's his dad and his mom got a problem with drugs.  When this homeless boy with unorganized life met with the Touhys, his life is totally turned around. He even got what he never think of, a bed and a pick up trucks. Leigh Anne appreciate and treated him as if Oher is one of his family. As a Christmas postcard tradition, there will be a family photograph and Leigh Anne offered Oher to appear in the photo as well. The teacher in his school tell Leigh Anne is the only thing that Oher got in positive side is, he got remarkable protective instict which turned him as a reliable football star. His talent had grow some interest in several University. He then chose to further his study at the same college the Touhys went to. The film ended showing the original footage of the real Michael 'Big Mike' Oher showing off his Baltimore Ravens jersey on the NFL draft.  

The Blind Side OST-Chances by Five For Fighting
This song telling us that, what ever you are, there's always chance for you.

the film and this review was dedicated to the brave heart of Michael "Big Mike" Oher and the kind hearted Touhy

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

spread the love like that plague you call affection!

         Love, love, love....what Im going to say bout love? Trust me, Im not an expert in this hanky panky stuff but Im gonna try.  

Seriously, what is love? Is it when you hold your girlfriend in the pouring rain and kiss her in the fore head? Is it when you punch somebody in the face just because he fought with your best friend? Or is it when you said "I love you mom" at the end of the conversation with Mak? Love is universal, love is subjective, you can define love in verious way, but one thing for sure, every day, love is in the air. According to my understanding as an average joe inside god vast creation, love is something unexplainable thing but you know it exist. It's a bond that ties the relationship between lovers, family, friendship and brotherhood. You dont have to search it. It will come to you without you realising it. One second youre feelin' down and lonely and the next second BOOYAH! you're in love. 

Some say, you need to work hard for love, you need to fight for love, and you know what they say, no pain no gain. =)  But the phrase " Love is the voice under all silences" makes me ponder, Did love really need to hard work? After I reminisce, I had a view that, love do not acquire hard work actually. Under complete silence love can still be spread from two different heart that eager for affection. A simple lovely eye contact and facial expression can send the message without saying the three magic word. You know what they say lads, "Dari mata turun ke hati, dari hati datang nya cinta". Its from eye straight to the heart, from heart it where lies the love. I purposedly write it in Bahasa because I didnt feel the sweetness when it was wrote in English.. hehehhe.
While Im reminiscing on how love can be spread under silences, suddenly my mind took me back when i was 17. (talking bout mind slaving, i guess Mr Tolle got point) I saw a mother with her baby sitting in a bus. The baby's crying effin loudly and the mother keep on "dukung" and "tepuk-tepuk" her baby to calm him. Dont you see the love spread? I think everybody in the bus noticed that the love plague is spreading without the momma saying anything other than "alalalala bucuk mak dah nanges" Yes, the mommy said something and thats makes its not a silence situation but, did the baby understand? NO he didnt. So silence can still be apply here. 

Alright, why are love so magic? what the mystic behind the conjointed letter if L.O.V.E? It took a lot of courage for me to say this, but love is the only thing that can melt the hard heart of a man. For example, metal music got one subgenre what we called LOVEMETAL, it's still metal, but with a touch of love in it. They even got heartagram. A heart-shaped pentagram to show how love is an essential element in life beside oxygen, food, shelter, metal music. 

For the record, why love is so magically mystic? Even a great man (YDP MPP 2011) is in love even he is too busy for everything. =)

now let's headbanging with lots of love,
by HIM (I Love You)