Genre: Drama, Action & Adventure, Mystery & Suspense
Directed By: Alister Grierson
Written By: Andrew Wight, John Garvin
Richard Roxburg (Frank McGuire)
Rhys Wakefield (Josh McGuire)
Ioan Gruffudd (Carl Hurl)
Alice Parkinson (Victoria)
Daniel Wyllie (Crazy George)
" Im so proud of you, Josh"
This story is about a journey to a place that no man has stepped their foot into. A group of researcher camping in a yet to be discovered cave and trapped inside the ruthless terrain. Short after Frank McGuire (Richard Rosburg) research team, including his son, Josh McGuire (Rhys Wakefield), went deeper inside the cave, a brutal storm hit and cause the main entrance to the cave to collapse and left them no way out. Panic, claustrophobic, short of oxygen added the agony suffered by the team. Forced to find an alternate exit, Frank took a risk and swam towards the 'said-to-be-an-exit', but even him and the other researcher don't know, whether it's heading towards the ocean, or just another pointy terrain.
Mother nature's looks can be so deceiving. At the first half an hour, viewers are amazed with the scenery of Esa-Ala cave and the bravery of the researcher. Its maybe something they did, Mother Nature abruptly gone mad and destroy everything in its path. This movie conveyed the importance of following leader's order as trying to be wise will destroy you. And of course, as a leader, one must be selfish and outspoken sometimes to make a decision. Also, this movie pictured how a passion can drive someone do everything he love even it will cause him his own life. Lastly, despite the action, suspense, thrill and lack of oxygen, this movie shows the love and the bond between father and son. The father just playing harsh as he wanted his son grow up as a perfect man like himself or even better. Don't judge your parent as they have something perfectly planned for you.